Ashley Simmons
Acupuncture & Bodywork
I offer a complementary visit for you to meet with me in my office. In this visit, I will address your questions and concerns, and together we will determine if you are a good candidate for acupuncture.
Before your first treatment, we will spend 30 minutes collaborating about your healthcare needs (included in the $80 rate). I review the health history forms (that you fill out and bring in) and we discuss your current and past health, and other info that helps me to understand your condition. I may do a direct physical exam by feeling painful areas or looking at injury sites. Finally, an exam of your pulses and tongue, and possibly your blood pressure and other vitals, will complete the intake process and lead to a diagnosis and treatment plan.
First Acupuncture Treatment
Total time for the first appointment is around 1.5 hours. Treatments generally involve the use of 10-30 high-grade super fine stainless steel disposable (individually wrapped) needles. Before inserting the needles, alcohol is used to swab the acupuncture points. Upon needling, the patient usually feels little to no sensation or discomfort, though some points are more sensitive than others. The needles will be left in for 20-30 minutes, during which time I stay with you and perform Tuina bodywork on the areas of the body that don’t contain needles. Soft music plays and an infrared heat lamp warms your feet. Most patients find this very relaxing and may fall asleep. It’s best to wear loose clothing. A sheet will be provided for coverage and warmth if any clothes do need removed. It’s a good idea to not be hungry, but not eat a big meal just before coming in.